Tutor: Ms. MOUTON



All students of the ABN, upon signing their registration forms, commit themselves to abide by the policies and rules of the institution. The core activity of the ABN is learning and in this respect academic honesty and integrity is very important to ensure that learning is valid, reliable and credible. The Academy of Banking Namibia therefore does not condone any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating on tests and assessments, amongst other such practices. The ABN requires students to always do their own assignments and to produce their own academic work, unless given a group assignment.




Class Guidelines

·         Students are highly encouraged to ask questions and contribute their insights and observations, as long as they are relevant to the subject matter being discussed.

·         Disruptive students will be asked to leave the room.

·         Restroom needs should be attended to before or after the class, or during breaks between classes. It should not be done during class.

·         Eating, drinking, and smoking are not allowed inside the classroom.

·         Turn off cellular / mobile phones or activate the silent vibration mode to avoid disrupting the class discussion.

·         Laptops and other electronic gadgets are NOT allowed during class discussions.


Contact Details and Consultations

·         Regarding consultation, students may get in touch with their tutor using the following email address:









Course Information


Course Code and Title: PFM 2000 – Principles of Financial Markets


Contact Hours: 2 hours per week lectures


Course Description: This course will provide students with an introduction to financial markets and an evaluation of the institutions, instruments and participants involved in the industry. The mainstream markets to be evaluated include the money, capital, equity, and debt markets. The subject systematically reviews each of the mainstream financial markets and investigates the various institutional participants and the different types of financial instruments offered.


NQF Level:




Prescribed Text Book

The prescribed textbook for this course is Viney’s (2012) Financial Institutions, Instruments and Markets, 7th Edition published by McGraw Hill.



Learning Outcomes:

·         Understand the banking system and describe the role of regulatory bodies in regulating how banks manage their capital.

·         Describe the types of equity securities that companies can use to raise equity capital

·         Understand different types of financial markets

·         Describe the characteristics of different types of debt securities and be able to price them.


Course Delivery Methods: The course will be offered on full time (FM), Part-time (PM) and Distance (DI) modes.


The course will be facilitated through the following learning activities:

1. Presentation of materials in lectures

2. Assigned readings and discussions



The assessment for this course will be based on continuous assessment and end of semester examination (three-hour paper). The Continuous Assessment (CA) mark is comprised of two assignments and contributes 50% to the Final Mark. Minimum pass requirement for this course: 50%.




Course Schedule for 2021



Chapter 1

·         Introduction to financial markets

·         Definition of financial markets and system

·         Financial Systems: Markets versus Institutions

·         Definition of gearing


Chapter 2

·         Types of financial markets

·         Understanding Financial securities

·         Interest rate and its importance

·         Types of interest rate

·         Time value of money



Chapter 3

·         Explain importance of financial institutions

·         Functions of financial markets

·         Understanding the importance of financial market regulations.

·         Explain the functions of IMF on the financial sector

·         Differentiate between debt and equity markets

·         Importance of maintaining financial stability in the country


Chapter 4

·         Explain the functions of the central bank

·         Understand the role of commercial banks and monetary authorities in the macro economy.

·         Challenges facing commercial banks in Namibia


Chapter 5

·         Understanding investment institutions

·         Types of investment institutions

·         Understanding the management of Collective Investment schemes

·         Classification of CISs

·         Understanding retirement funds


Chapter 6

·         Importance of financial service board

·         Role of the financial intelligence Centre

·         Understanding the financial intelligence act of Namibia


Chapter 7

·         Understanding Money Market

·         Understand the different money market instruments available.

·         Importance of money market instruments


Chapter 8

·         Understanding simple and compounded interest rate

·         Calculation of Future and Present value of money


Chapter 9

·         Understanding of types  financial statements

·         Importance of financial statements

·         Explaining types of ratio analysis


Chapter 10

·         Calculate financial ratios

·         Interpretation of financial performance of the business




NOTE: The following dates are subject to change based on the needs of the students at the lecturer’s prerogative. Students will be notified ahead of time of any changes.



Important Information












General Academic Policies:

It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to ABN’s Policies.




This course is authorized for use by:



___________________________________ __________________________
Head of Department                                                                                                                                      Date




(To be completed by all students on the course, detached from the course outline and kept on record in the department)


I, (insert name), (Student number), hereby acknowledge that I have received this course outline for (insert course title and code), and that I have familiarized myself with its content, in particular the statement about academic honesty and integrity. I agree to abide by the Policies and arrangements spelt out in this course outline.




_________________                                                                                                ___________________

Signature of Student                                                                                                                      Date